Curriculum Vitae

20.09.24 – today:
University professor for inclusive mathematics didcatics at the faculty of humanities at the Leibniz University Hannover.

01.11.23 – 30.09.24:
Maternity leave and parental leave.

01.11.23 – 19.09.24:
Assistant professor (W1 with tenure track) for inclusive mathematics didcatics at the faculty of humanities at the Leibniz University Hannover.

01.04.21 – 30.09.22:
Administrative professor for didactics of symbolic systems in mathematics (focus on inclusive mathematics education) at the faculty of humanities at the Leibniz University Hannover.

01.04.21 – 31.07.21:
Substitute professor for didactics of mathematics in primary schools at the department of didactics of mathematics, informatics and initial mathematics teaching at the faculty of education at the university of Hamburg.

01.11.20 – today:
Research assistant at the department of didactics of mathematics, informatics and initial mathematics teaching at the faculty of education at the University of Hamburg (supervisor until 31.03.21: Prof. Dr Krauthausen; superviser since 01.08.21: Prof. Dr. Schuette).

01.02.20 – 31.10.20:
Research assistant at the institute for mathematics at the University of Osnabrueck (supervisor: Prof. Dr Gasteiger).

01.10.19 – 31.03.20:
Lecture at the institute for mathematics and its didactics at the Leuphana University of Lueneburg.

26.08.19 – 15.07.20:
Teacher at the Grundschule Altenmedingen [Primary School].

29.01.18 – 28.07.19:
Teacher in the practical teacher training at the Schäfer-Ast-Grundschule in Radbruch [Primary School].

01.06.16 – 14.04.17:
Research assistant at the institute for mathematics at the University of Kassel (supervisor: Prof. Dr Borromeo Ferri).

01.10.14 – 31.03.17:
Doctoral scholarship at the Nachwuchsakademie Sprachliche Bildung des Mercatorinstituts für Sprachförderung und Deutsch als Zweitsprache.

01.07.14 – 30.06.17:
Research assistant at the institute for mathematics and its didactics at the Leuphana University of Lueneburg (supervisor: Prof. Dr Dominik Leiss).

15.04.11 – 31.08.14:
Research assistant at the institute for mathematics at the University of Kassel (supervisor: Prof. Dr Borromeo Ferri).

01.11.11 – 29.02.12:
Student assistant at the institute for mathematics at the University of Kassel.

01.08.09 – 14.04.11:
Student assistant as instructor within the project Bucerius LERN-WERK – Leseförderung an Grundschulen. Fundet by the Zeitstiftung, supported by the University of Hamburg and the Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung Hamburg.

01.07.09 – 31.07.09:
Student assistant as part of the organisation team of the 14th International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematical Modelling and Applications (ICTMA 14) in Hamburg.

01.03.09 – 14.04.11:
Student assistant within the project Hamburger Lernstandserhebungen LS-6 & LS-8 für die Fächer Deutsch und Mathematik.

01.08.08 – 31.07.09:
Student assistant as instructor within the project Bucerius LERN-WERK II – Leseförderung an Haupt- und Gesamtschulen. Fundet by the Zeitstiftung, supported by the University of Hamburg and the Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung Hamburg.

01.08.07 – 31.07.08:
Student assistant as mathematics teacher for children with special needs (migration background) with the Mercator-Förmig-Treff.

15.04.11 – 07.12.17:
PhD student at the University of Kassel, supervised by Prof. Dr Borromeo Ferri, Prof. Dr Blum and Prof. Dr Schwippert.

Dissertation: Preparing pre-service teachers for competency-oriented teaching of mathematics: The effect of measurement sense on modelling competencies.

01.10.05 – 10.12.11
Studying mathematics and history for becoming a teacher for primary and secondary school at the University of Hamburg.

01.08.95 – 31.07.04:
Integrierten Gesamtschule Aurich-West, comprehensive school in Aurich.

01.08.91 – 31.07.95:
Grundschule Upstalsboom, primary school in Aurich.